Well, the holidays are upon us and our thoughts are turning to family and friends - two of the greatest blessings we enjoy. We try to always remember how blessed we are - traveling to and living in different countries has really made us appreciate coming home to the United States... We are blessed with: *The Gospel of Jesus Christ with all of its saving ordinances *An awesome family who loves and supports us *Terrific neighbors who watch out for each other *A home to shelter us *Clean water to drink and bathe in *Electricity to light our world *Stores overflowing with everything we might need or want *Indoor plumbing *Hot and cold running water *A car that works and *Good health (just to name a few) This month in Relief Society (the women's organization in the Church) we focused on Member Missionary Work. We have hopes of getting names of interested families for our young missionaries to teach when they return to our Selfoss Branch...