Hello, 2019!

Happy New Year! New Year's Eve here is amazing! For as far as you could see from left to right and to the horizon was filled with fireworks going off. These were the really nice fireworks that light the night sky. The kind that you see at professional displays. They started around 6:00pm and lasted well into the night and early morning. Our flat is up on a hill and we had a great view of the valley looking north and we sat and watched for hours. We have some videos that I tried to include but they were too big and wouldn't upload. The holidays are over and the Archive has opened back up. We met with our manager at the Archive for about two hours a couple of days after we arrived. He was leaving the next day and would be back on January 8th. We would also be meeting our trainer from Germany on January 8th - so, we had nearly three weeks to get settled in and familiarize ourselves with the area. Didn't get to do much si...